Thursday, 22 May 2008

Trailer Evaluation

During this assignment I realized that having more footage is better than having less. I also realized that when we do our pre-production we should plan do have lots of shots to take so that during the post production we have a vast variety to choose from.

I think the shots that we have are excellent, I think the ideas we set out to do for the shots worked out well, the lighting in our shots are excellent as well, which we are surprised by because we never used any special lighting effects. However the acting was the downside in our trailer, as it lacked talent. (surprisingly)

We work exceptionally well as a group, because all tasks and all the things we wanted to do was completed to the best of our ability. Once again, it was a surprise because during half way through our pre-production we were told that a member of our group was no longer on the course, so we had to change most paper work, but I think we bounced back well.

I will take more shots and spend more time on perfecting shots instead of cancelling out on doing that shot. I will plan on having more shot types, I think next time we will record footage in different locations or maybe record the same scene but in a different location just to have more footage to work with.

I think our trailer compared to proper movie trailers looks a bit cheap, I think the reason for that would be because they use better equipment as in camera’s and computer software. However I think the way our trailer is constructed and the way the trailer is set out is at a good standard.

Friday, 2 May 2008

Almost finished

Things in our group turned out surprisingly well, we thought we would struggle because it was just Martin and I, but it turned out that we actually work very well together.

As far as the filming goes, we are almost finished, we still need one or two more extra scenes till we could start editing.
I think us finishing early works to our advantage because our trailer is going to need lots of editing, because of all the sound tracks and special features we are going to be using.

We are happy with our filming so far as it is everything we wanted it to be.
The only downside on our filming is that the acting isn't top class, but it does the job.
I think the hardest part we came across so far was the chase or running away scene, which other class members had to help us with.

We also have way more footage on our tape because we nevere recorded over all the partys we never wanted as we usually did.
Hopefully we would start editing soon.

Monday, 21 April 2008

A change

Our group just came from half term and we havce decided to make a few adjustments to the trailer.
  • Our first adjustment is changing our trailer name from RING to THE CALL3R.
  • For the secong change we decided to not make it a foreign film, because we thoughht it would be too complicated.
  • We also had to change our script because Tom King is no longer in our group.

We have to put in a little more effort into doing this trailer because we are now one man short.

But atleast we can moveon and get done with everything and not be delayed by anything.

Friday, 28 March 2008

Yesterday we completed our treatment.
At first we had many debates on what name to go for.
We finally all agreed on the name RING.
We also decided that the film will be a foreign film.
Otherwise i think the completion of our treatment ran smoothley.

I think our idea of doing our trailer in a foreign language is very original and unique.

Thursday, 27 March 2008

Today was the day for us to work.

We struggled to come up with a name for our trailer. But we finally came up with the name I KNOW WHAT YOU DID NOT LAST SUMMER, BUT THE SUMMER BEFORE.
We decided to be a bit creative and do the trailer in a foreign language.
The film is about three guys that go on a holiday and find themselves being stalked and threatened to be killed.

We are hoping to be finished with most our pre production work by the end of the day.
I completed the first minutes sheet, and will soon be busy completing our treatment.

Tuesday, 25 March 2008

Workshop Exercise

We finally got a chance to swop our script. We swopped ours with stausrt Chapman and Joe dyson.

The story was about a hippy that gets stoned on weed.

The scipt we got from their group was honestly the worst piece of work i ever came accross,
Firstly most of the requirements we were asked to produce, they never came up with for example the different shot types etc....
trying to follow the storyboard and scipt was very challenging because of the poor dialogue, and poor picture illustation
we really had a tough time during the editing, putting the puzzles together because after every scene Joe and Stuart laughed or giggled or made an uneccessary comment which we had to cut.
But at the end we got to the end of our task on time and it turned out to be not as bad as we thought. .

Monday, 10 March 2008

Workshop exercise

Today we finished of our treatment , and fixed up our storyboard so that it could be more human like.

We haven't swopped our script and storyboard with anyone yet and we also havent recieved someone elses yet.

I did everything basically but mainly did the script by myself the treatment i was helped by Tom King and the story board i was helped by Martin Ladd.

I think everything worked well and we finished more or less on time.

Thursday, 6 March 2008

Film Puzzle exercise

Today i finished my second scene before we were shown the actual film.

I found out that the way i put the pieces together wasn't far of from how it was really surpposed to be.
I realised that the pieces i put together even tho it wasn't correct made a lot of sense.
We or thr class came across that the opening scene happened in about 2 days.....
So at the end we saved what we had completed so in quicktime.

Monday, 3 March 2008

Editing puzzle

Today i i started putting the film puzzle together....

it took spme patience but i found it quite basic, i think because i never watched the film it makes it a bit more diffecult.
i nearly finished doing the bar scene so atleast i'm getting somewhere, i think this might be one of the hardest bits because it has dialogue, so hopefully i will work faster on the other scenes.

Friday, 29 February 2008

Today we had to draw a storyborad of a scene we were shown.....
so far i drew 3 sketches of bits of the film that stood out the most for me....

we were also shown a film with its own storyboard and we realised that we dont need many drawings to picture the scene....

Thursday, 28 February 2008

workshop film puzzle (day 1)

Today i was given instructions to watch and label a few video clips....
once we were done with the labeling we hadto catergorise them in a way by putting them in different scenes. i got as far as labeling and catergorising most of the clips in its different scenes.

Friday, 8 February 2008

what i (did) for production
to be honest there wasn't much we needed to bring for our scenes but in whatwe did need
i brought artificial flowers
i brought a tie and waist coat for tom which we never used
i brought a jumper which we never used aswell.
i acted
and did a bit of recording while tom wasn't here but we never kept what i recorded
What we (the group) did
we all showed up even tom (believe it or not)
we all decided on how we were going to set up the scene
we all decided on what angle we were going shoot from
my controbutions in the planning and pre production turned out to be vital because
when we never really liked certain scenes and oarts of the filming we used some of the back ideas.
because i was the one just saying what we could do it made it easy on the group because they will just decide weather they like the idea or not.
i was the one who had the scripts in my possession so the others all relied on me to bring it.
i thinkmy input in the group was consistant and because of my ideas and the help of group members we now have a complete video.

Thursday, 7 February 2008

What i (me) did for pre-production
i came up with some of the ideas while we were busy with our brainstorming.
i chose to make it a kind of humourous scene.
for the storyboard i came up with some of the ideas and how to set everything up.
i decided what we should wear.
i decided in which room we record in.
i i did the shooting schedule
i did the back page of the equipment sheet.
i came up with some ideas for the treatment but i constructed on how we should present it.
i brought the artificial flowers we used
What we (the group) did

Martin and i came up with the treatment...

martin and i planned what the scene would be about.

we planned on where everything should be shot and how we were going to do it.

we all planned on how the shots should be taken.

i decided to do most of the organising and preporations because i knew that there would be days which martin and tom would not be in so i tried to do as much as i could. because i was here everyday i think i made easy for the group to make decisions, most of the ideas i gave was used in the actual production.

because of me deciding to wear everyday clothes it made it east on us to get the costume we needed.

Ok we are kind of finished with our recording, we are still trying to decide weather we should record a introduction to make our recording piece longer.
so we are busy with our editing at the moment but we have run out of ideas, because we recorded over all the scenes we never wanted there isn't anything to edit...
We are trying to look for something to make our film more attractive....
we found audio on the MAC but we were told not to use them.....
so we will have to see how it goes

Monday, 28 January 2008

Because i couldn't remember my blog password i missed out on a lot of updates so this is nwhat i remember.....
well martin and i are just trying to keep tom posted on all work that he missed....
hopefully he gets upto date.

What i did

Ok so we are surpposed to say what i did individually....
well i did the script, i did the back of the budget sheet, martin helped me with the front, and i did the shooting schedule.
Martin and i did the treatment, storyboard, props page and front page of the budget.
ok so our script , risk assesment, budget and all tasks we were surpposed to finish is completed.
finally i remembered my password

Friday, 18 January 2008

today we got a new member, tom, he'll be doing the filming.
and today we'll be working on the script.
Worked with martin yesterday and completed our storyboard and treatment.
we also decided on characters names and setting....