Monday, 10 March 2008

Workshop exercise

Today we finished of our treatment , and fixed up our storyboard so that it could be more human like.

We haven't swopped our script and storyboard with anyone yet and we also havent recieved someone elses yet.

I did everything basically but mainly did the script by myself the treatment i was helped by Tom King and the story board i was helped by Martin Ladd.

I think everything worked well and we finished more or less on time.


CSC MEDIA said...
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CSC MEDIA said...

Well done Gary, Make sure that your blog is now undated with your next post. Be careful with your spelling e,g, use swapped instead of “swopped” and try to make your writing style more formal e.g. “I did everything basically but mainly did the script by myself the treatment I was helped by Tom King and the story board I was helped by Martin Ladd.” You need to structure this into sentences, and make your writing less conversational. Having said this however, you have made a great contribution to your productions to date.