Friday, 28 March 2008

Yesterday we completed our treatment.
At first we had many debates on what name to go for.
We finally all agreed on the name RING.
We also decided that the film will be a foreign film.
Otherwise i think the completion of our treatment ran smoothley.

I think our idea of doing our trailer in a foreign language is very original and unique.

Thursday, 27 March 2008

Today was the day for us to work.

We struggled to come up with a name for our trailer. But we finally came up with the name I KNOW WHAT YOU DID NOT LAST SUMMER, BUT THE SUMMER BEFORE.
We decided to be a bit creative and do the trailer in a foreign language.
The film is about three guys that go on a holiday and find themselves being stalked and threatened to be killed.

We are hoping to be finished with most our pre production work by the end of the day.
I completed the first minutes sheet, and will soon be busy completing our treatment.

Tuesday, 25 March 2008

Workshop Exercise

We finally got a chance to swop our script. We swopped ours with stausrt Chapman and Joe dyson.

The story was about a hippy that gets stoned on weed.

The scipt we got from their group was honestly the worst piece of work i ever came accross,
Firstly most of the requirements we were asked to produce, they never came up with for example the different shot types etc....
trying to follow the storyboard and scipt was very challenging because of the poor dialogue, and poor picture illustation
we really had a tough time during the editing, putting the puzzles together because after every scene Joe and Stuart laughed or giggled or made an uneccessary comment which we had to cut.
But at the end we got to the end of our task on time and it turned out to be not as bad as we thought. .

Monday, 10 March 2008

Workshop exercise

Today we finished of our treatment , and fixed up our storyboard so that it could be more human like.

We haven't swopped our script and storyboard with anyone yet and we also havent recieved someone elses yet.

I did everything basically but mainly did the script by myself the treatment i was helped by Tom King and the story board i was helped by Martin Ladd.

I think everything worked well and we finished more or less on time.

Thursday, 6 March 2008

Film Puzzle exercise

Today i finished my second scene before we were shown the actual film.

I found out that the way i put the pieces together wasn't far of from how it was really surpposed to be.
I realised that the pieces i put together even tho it wasn't correct made a lot of sense.
We or thr class came across that the opening scene happened in about 2 days.....
So at the end we saved what we had completed so in quicktime.

Monday, 3 March 2008

Editing puzzle

Today i i started putting the film puzzle together....

it took spme patience but i found it quite basic, i think because i never watched the film it makes it a bit more diffecult.
i nearly finished doing the bar scene so atleast i'm getting somewhere, i think this might be one of the hardest bits because it has dialogue, so hopefully i will work faster on the other scenes.